
Sheep Creek Water Company- Water Master Plan-2024

2024 Water Master Plan-FINAL-Part 1

2024 Water Master Plan- FINAL-Part 2

Sheep Creek Water Company- Asset Management Plan Decemeber 2020

SCWC Asset Management Plan 12-15-2020


California Rural Water Association - Prop 1 Technical Assistance Grant 

CRWA has completed a full system engineering report under the State Revolving Fund Proposition 1 Technical Assistance Program from the State of California.  The report has been submitted to the State for review and approval for funding. In Septemeber 2019, The State of California denied funding for improvemnet projects. 

CRWA Engineering Report 7-2-2019 Part 1

CRWA Engineering Report 7-2-2019 Part 2

AR6214-A SCWC Water Consolidation Project Report 06-2022


Sheep Creek Water Company Feasibility Study Addressing Source Capacity Issues

Sheep Creek Water Company Feasibility Study Addressing Source Capacity Issues Part 1

Sheep Creek Water Company Feasibility Study Addressing Source Capacity Issues Part 2


Sheep Creek Water Company Consolidation Plan Proposal

The SCWC Consolidation Committee met with the PPHCSD Engineering Committee on April 29, 2019 to begin discussions of possible consolidation of the two water systems.  The PPHCSD Engineering Committee requested that SCWC submit a proposed plan for consolidation.  The SCWC Consolidation Committee prepared a plan for the SCWC Board to approve.  The SCWC Board of Directors approved the proposed consolidaiton plan to present to the PPHCSD. 

Included with the plan is an Appraisal Report of the Sheep Creek Water System and Assets.  The current assessed value of the SCWC is $23,850,000.  

Sheep Creek Consolidation Plan 6-18-19

Appraisal Report of Sheep Creek Water Company