Completed Projects

Sunnyslope Fire Hydrant & Valve Installation


Well 3A Rehabilitation

Well 3A was drilled in 2002 and put into service in 2003.  Well 3A has only had regular maintenance during the 16 years of service.  Well 3A has just under 31,000 hours and has pumped approximately 703 million gallons.  The well has seen a drop in production and with recommended system maintenance from the CRWA Engineering Report for well rehabilitation, this was a good time to move forward with a rehabilitation of Well 3A.  During an inspection by CRWA in 2018, the report noted that the casing may have damage, this will be inspected to verify and repaired if nessescary. 

Pumping contractor Layne was contracted to rehabilitate Well 3A: 

Remove pumping equipment and inspect, Video casing, Brush and bottom bail fill, Post brush video, Bore Blast- Bore blast delivers pressure pulses of up to 3500 psi of air agitating and scouring buildup and loosening the gravel pack, Dual Swab and Airlift, Post dual swab video and reinstallation of pumping equipment

After inspection of the casing, it was determined that the damage noted by CRWA was not damage to the casing but was the casing vents that are cut and welded into the casing.

Before installation of the pumping equipment, the casing was extended to bring the well head up to 24" above the the surface per the SWRCB guidance. (12" was the standard when Well 3A was installed)  The SCWC crew raised and reconneted pipe work to match new well head height.

A new design pump was installed to allow for lower water levels along with new column pipe, the well head and motor was refurbished and reinstalled.

Following the rehabilitation of Well 3A, Wells 4A and 8 will be scheduled for rehab as needed.  Currently Wells 4A and 8 are operating properly.

Well 5 was rehabilitated in 2015 and Well 2A was rehabilitated in 2018.


With the replacement of 4" line on Smoketree Road and the installation of line between Riggins Road and Sierra Vista Rd, Smoketree Road has 8" line connecting Johnson Road to Sheep Creek Road.  With this loop completed, available flows have increased north to Goss Road and to the west side of Sheep Creek Road.  Due to pressure differences on the east side of Johnson Road, a new regulator station with a check valve will be installed on Smoketree Road between Monte Vista Road and Johnson Road.  With the installation of the new regulator station this will increase flow to the east side of Johnson Road north to Yucca Terrace Drive and south to Goss Road.  A check valve will be installed to allow reverse flow from Johnson Road west in the event of fire.  Project is scheduled to be complete mid-June 2019


PHASE 1- Completed December 2016

Phase 1 included the replacment of 900 feet of 10 inch class 75 AC pipe with new class 150 C-900 PVC pipe.  A new fire hydrant and isolation valves were installed.  The project was completed in four days by the Sheep Creek Water Company Crew.  Total cost of project- $30,628

PHASE 2- Began March 2017 - Completed December 2017

The project include the replacement of 1,460 feet of 10 inch schedule 40 PVC with new class 200 C-900 PVC pipe and 500 feet of new class 200 C-900 PVC pipe to reconnect Tank #3 with the main line.  3 fire hydrants and 11 isolation valves were installed.   All the line was completed by May 2017 and had to what for colder weather to complete the two tie-in's.  The final tie-in's were completed in December 2017 and the old line was disconnected.  The project was installed by the the Sheep Creek Water Company Crew.  Total cost of project- $94,099.


The construction of the new Rite Aid at the corner of Phelan Rd and Sheep Creek Rd required new water main to be installed to achieve the required fire flow.  The project required the replacement of approximately 2,640 feet of old 4 and 6 inch steel pipe with new class 200 8 inch C-900 PVC.  An additional 900 feet of new class 200 8 inch C-900 PVC pipe was installed to loop around and through the property.  10 new fire hydrants were installed along 24 isolation valves.  12 meter services were replaced and transferred to the new line.

During the final tie-in's, the Sheep Creek Water Company crew replaced 4 broken gate valves.