Welcome to the OFFICIAL WEBSITE of Sheep Creek Water Company

Our Mission

Our Vision is Water is Life. It is a simple but powerful message that describes “why” we do what we do every day. Water is necessary for our customers and it's our mission to provide efficient, effective, and reliable water service. “Water is Life” also means we are there day after day, providing this essential and critical service to our community. We work hard in many ways to deliver clean water that is also safe, reliable, and affordable, because our customers, our employees, and those who invest in us deserve nothing less. We believe the only way to do business is to responsibly deliver water at cost to our customers, build a strong community, leverage innovation in our water system, and support the expertise and dedication of our shareholders.

COVID-19 Safety Information

Information from the CDC - Corona Virus

Information from the CDC - Hand Washing Protocol

Video from the CDC - Fight Germs.  Wash Your Hands!

SWRCB Facts Regarding Corona Virus in Drinking Water

SCWC System Map & Boundaries

SWRCB Water Efficiency Legislation-SB 606 and AB 1668

SWRCB fact sheet regarding legislation on SB 606 and AB 1668 signed into law in May 2018 by Governor Brown.

SWRCB Water Efficiency Legislation Fact Sheet

Bill Payment Options

Looking for the most convenient way to pay your bill? We offer a wide variety of payment options to our customers. Simply choose the option that best suits your needs.
Learn more


Sheep Creek Water Company Service Connection Moratorium

The State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water received a Corrective Action Plan Amendment (CAP-amendment) dated August 26, 2022, along with an updated, estimated timeline from Sheep Creek Water Company (SCWC) requesting a two-year extension for Compliance Order NO. 05-13-18R002, and a partial lift on the moratorium to request a Will-Serve Letters for new meters.

Response to Corrective Action Plan Amendment SWRCB Compliance Order No 05-13-18R002, Dated 09-12-2022


Attention Realtors

If a property or home is within Sheep Creek Water Company boundaries, please contact our office so a transfer of water share(s) can be completed through escrow.

If you are representing the "Seller", the Original Stock Certificate must be turned into our office.  If there are any questions, please call our office.

Conservation Tips

Winter season is approaching. Be sure to check your property for exposed pipes and hose bibs.  Protect all pipes from freezing. Turn off irrigation systems that are not in use.


Current Allotment

Due to the drastic decrease in water levels and water production in the canyon wells, the current allotment for Tier 1 ($0.72 per hcf) is 600 cubic feet per share.  The allotment for Tier 2 ($5.80 per hcf) is 300 cubic feet per share in addition to Tier 1 allotment.  Please keep all water use within your allotment.  CURRENT TIER 3 OVERAGE CHARGE - $11.00 per HCF


How Much Water Can I Use?

A quick guide to how much water you can use based on how many shares you own.

Welcome Spring & Springtime Prep!

Welcome Spring & Springtime Prep!

March 24, 2025

As the days grow longer and the weather begins to warm, it's time to shake off the winter chill and prepare for the vibrant renewal of spring. From sprucing up your home to revitalizing your lawn and garden, there's plenty to do to welcome the new season with open arms. 

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