SWRCB Compliance Order NO 05-13-18R002
On August 30, 2018, SCWC received a Compliance order from the SWRCB for a Source Capacity Violation due to SCWC unable to meet the Max Day Demands (MDD). The highest recorded MDD was on July 12, 2014 with a total production of 1.78 million gallons per day (MGD). Upon the receipt of the Compliance Order, SCWC was nearly complete with a secondary source of supply within the Mojave Water Agency boundaries located in the Alto Sub Basin. Well #11 was approved and permitted by the SWRCB, DDW on November 28, 2018 with a production of 251 gpm.
As required by the SWRCB Compliance Order, a feasibility study by Infrastructure Engineering Corporation (IEC) was completed with two alternative plans for bringing SCWC into compliance. Due to SCWC being a Shareholder owned company overseen by a Board of Directors elected by the Shareholders, the Board began exploring both alternatives for compliance. The Board of Directors planned to present both alternatives to the Shareholders at the SCWC Annual Shareholders Meeting on May 11, 2019 but did not have enough information regarding consolidation to ask for a vote. SCWC sent a letter to the SWRCB-DDW on April 19, 2019 requesting an extension of time to have a vote of the Shareholders as to the preferred alternative of compliance. On May 10, 2019, the SWRCB-DDW granted SCWC an extension of time until August 31, 2019 for preferred plan of compliance.
On August 17, 2019, Sheep Creek Water Company held a Special Meeting of the Shareholders to present the alternatives for compliance. The shareholders were informed that PPHCSD had rejected the Consolidation alternative, and presented with the question of whether they would support the Additional Facilities alternative, meaning that SCWC would need to drill additional facilities to comply with the Compliance Order. In the absence of a potential consolidation agreement upon which to vote, the shareholders gave the Board authority to proceed with drilling the required additional production facilities, by an affirmative vote of 3,304 out of the 4,340 votes cast. With the approval of the Sheep Creek Shareholders, SCWC’s Board is prepared to proceed with the development of additional facilities to bring SCWC into compliance with the Compliance Order.
SWRCB Corrective Action Plan Final- June 2019 Revised August 2019
January 2020 SWRCB Response to Corrective Action Plan
Source Capacity Project-CEQA Review
Sheep Creek Water is moving forward with the installation of up to 4 new ground water wells. The environmental review is available for review and comment. 3 ground water wells are proposed in the current review with 3 backup wells available to be installed. The review and comment period closes on August 1, 2020. See links below for environmental review documents.
Notice of Availability/Notice of Intent
Source Capacity Project Initial Study